Framing Guide

Welcome to our framing guide.

Framing is an art, a profession, and a skill.

We recommend purchasing our prints framed so they are ready to be displayed.
We offer frames in white or black and are all 2cm in width.

If you order print only, we recommend you find a local framer and let them work their magic within your budget.

Alternatively, our prints are designed to fit perfectly into an A-series frame.

The A series of frames are widely available online wherever you are in the world.
We recommend framing our prints just as they are without any extra mount or border.

Print Measurements

A0 measurements are 84.1 x 118.9 cm
A1 measurements are 59.4 x 84.1 cm
A2 measurements are 42cm x 59.4cm
A3 measurements are 29.7 x 42 cm

Need a print for your frame? Head over to our Shop
Going Home Broke prints.