Marrakech Shopping Tips: The Art of Negotiation

So, you want to go to Morocco and get a ton of good deals? Sounds like a plan. I’m sure you’re asking yourself things like ‘what price do I start at?’ and ‘How much should I pay for a rug?’ well after my many many trips to Marrakech and to the souks I’m going to give you the answer that most more experienced Moroccan travellers gave me – ‘I don’t know! It is up to you how much you want to spend!’ well I’d never considered how much I want to spend because isn’t the idea of negotiating to windle the seller down to almost nothing? No, it certainly is not.

Now I know that’s an annoying answer because you’re probably here looking for some clear prices, like what you should pay for a rug. I’m afraid it’s just not that simple but keep reading and by the end of this article you should have a lot more confidence and a better well-rounded understanding of what you’re walking into.

marrakech souks shopping tips morocco

Read our Marrakech City Guide here

Where to stay in Marrakech? Read our Le Riad Yasmine review here

Day trips? Read our 3-day Sahara itinerary here

The souks are packed full of amazing goods. From local artisans and artists to products made in China – they’ve got it all and they want to make as much money from you as possible. Can you blame them? Now, let’s remember there’s a difference between a handmade local piece of art (rugs, paintings, ceramics) and a London football jersey that you can buy in the square. The approach of negotiating is likely going to vary because that football jersey you can buy anywhere and it’s pretty easy to walk away from if you don’t get the price that you want but what happens when that one-of-a-kind, handmade rug woven in the atlas mountains by locals isn't handed over to you at the price you’re offering? The big question is what is it worth to you? What are you willing to pay?

Don’t think this means that you just accept the first price either, negotiating is good, it’s part of the fun but, you don’t want to be insulting either.

marrakech souks shopping tips morocco
marrakech souks shopping tips morocco

So in saying all of the above here are some little tips to get you started and after you’ve spent a bit of time in the market yourself, you’ll get the hang of it!

1. cash only

There are minimal cash machines and there are always lines. Some days they are completely out of cash too.


If you are looking and touching, ALWAYS respond to the owner who is likely preparing you to give you a ‘good price’. Be clear and be kind. ‘This is beautiful but I am just looking for now – thank you so much.’ Don’t ignore them, it’s rude. Smile. It’s nice!


They don’t all sell the same things – If you see something you LOVE and must have – seal the deal or good luck finding the shop again lol it’s possible to find again but it’s also hilariously impossible all at the same time!


If you choose to respond to the absolute madness that is the catcalling in the souks either politely pretend like you didn’t hear it or acknowledge it with a witty and fun comeback or just smile and keep walking. Don’t lose your temper if you’re feeling worn down by all the comments. To clarify this – if you’re with a man or are a man this will happen to you less, but it will still happen and it’s brilliant. Enjoy it all, you’re in Morocco!


So often you’ll find yourself arguing and walking away over 50p. If you need to do that then please be my guest but if you know the exchange you’ll likely accept 50p more and get on with it.


Drink the tea if you are serious about buying. The tea is good.

Now for the most important point!


It’s all about respect.

It’s hard for me to write about all the sneaky little tricks you can do to shave off money from the price for the above reason but some tactics are fair because they avoid awkward situations and still allow you to be polite and show respect.

For example - a great way of cutting out the drama and time is to get straight to the point with your budget. This is usually after you’ve been looking around and you’ve got a true idea of the cost.

The ‘I’ve only got 20’ (or whatever it costs) line is a great way to help everyone close the deal here and now. It’s a good move if that is your max budget and is ideal for smaller, quicker items. Just be careful when getting out that 20 that those 50s and 100s don’t fall out of your wallet at the same time!

Know what you are ready to pay or what you literally can only afford and have the cash ready. You will quickly know if they cannot meet you at your price then it is time to walk away. Sometimes there will be special items in their stores that they just can’t sell to you for such a low price. When this has happened to us and we’re faced with walking away, this is something we acknowledge. We earnestly explain that it is beyond our budget and that we understand that the item is worth more than what we’re offering. This is the truth. I mean, how do I know its true value when they won’t give me a price!? It’s tough work but you get the hang of it.

This happens most when buying rugs. There are many different styles of rugs including new and vintage but, when you’re a total Moroccan carpet rookie it’s hard to know which ones are of more value than others but, thankfully there are some obvious factors that come into play. For example, the size of the rug. The larger the size, the more money you should expect to pay. Then there's the age, vintage carpets are considered more valuable in most places and the newer-looking white wool rugs are the most affordable.

marrakech souks shopping tips morocco
marrakech souks shopping tips morocco

It’s not for the faint-hearted but if you’re serious about a purchase, regardless of your budget – then you can walk into the situation with transparency and respect for the amazing pieces that you’re buying. Get to know the seller, be kind and show interest in what they’re doing and selling. This is their life and as a tourist, it’s important to show them respect. You’re also likely going to walk away with a rug or handmade piece that is ultimately priceless because it’s unique and something you could keep forever.

Have fun and SMILE!

marrakech souks shopping tips morocco

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Marrakech shopping tips morocco